Church Mission Planning
A lot of the work I've been privileged to do in Scotland since 2003 has been with Churches. I've been an employee, employer, developer and more, and have been able to use all the knowledge from the whole Community and Social Enterprise world to help the Church do what it wants to do in a right and proper way, while not losing sight of the reason why they are doing this. To be honest, this applies across all projects as focusing on the “Why” is crucial for a Charity or Community Group to be true to itself. But it is especially important within a Church setting.
And before I go on, it may be that its a Church Building that you have that needs developing - whether as a Church Group or simply a community group coming together to repurpose a local building. If so, then click here and read about my "Church Building Development" support.
There is a difference between the Business of Church, and Church Business. I'll explain that more on another page but in short, the Business of Church is to restore and grow healthy relationships with God, People, and His Creation. Church Business is the outworking of that - how it operates and generates income to sustain the Business of Church.

So in my Faith and Ministry Development support, I can work with Churches to help them be more sustainable while still being true to why they are there. This may involve helping with accessing funding to kickstart a new ministry venture or to pay for a new team member. It could be to develop mission plans for the community by helping you understand the real needs behind the statistics and then to explore what you can do to meet those needs. Or it could be a wide range of anything else along these lines. But through it all, my own faith and many years in ministry at different levels, plus my understanding of how churches work (or should work as the case may be), and the dynamics of church structures, will come together to support you in your own service.
So what can I help you with? Why not get in touch to start the discussion. I'd love to grab a coffee with you and talk through the possibilities.