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Keep moving forward

Writer: Dan RousDan Rous

Settle in, this is a long post....

One year ago, I don't mind saying that work life was rubbish.

I was working for a charity that had a short but painful journey to close. I was also working at a radio station that unexpectedly got switched off due to behind the scenes issues. These were jobs but they were both an outlet for ministry, and were also full of friends.

But rather than wallow in self pity (which was tempting), I reached for my contact list and went for coffee with people. This gave me a purpose, helped me talk through things with people not connected to the situations, and also began to open new opportunities.

Before I knew it, I had a couple of freelance opportunities and my purpose in life began to be revived.

Now, one year on, I'm still enjoying freelance life. I have many new contacts and friends. Amongst other things, I am working with churches and community groups to repurpose how they can meaningfully and sustainably operate, especially from church buildings. I am busy. But more importantly I am happy.

I thought freelance life would get me over a couple of months or so. But now I can't see me going any other way. I know it's not for everyone but for me in this season, it works. It's not always easy, and not everything has worked out, but it's fulfilling. The variety yet similarity of projects is mutually beneficial and exciting. And I can choose not to work, and focus on being husband/dad which is arguably even more important.

So if you're struggling, unfulfilled, or facing a cliff edge at work, don't wallow. However tempting it is, don't do it. Keep moving forward even if it's just to crawl. Go for coffee with trusted friends and colleagues. Reach out to connections. Talk about what is happening. Talk about your dreams. And watch the new possibilities unfold.

If it helps, mine's a chai latte.


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