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New Year, New Look!

Writer: Dan RousDan Rous

Having been working freelance since October 2022 in various Community and Church Development projects, I thought it was time for a bit of branding. To be honest, the CommunityDan brand has been hovering around for a little while but now it's here in full technicolour (is that still a thing or am I showing my age - again!)

The website is all brand new and shiny, and has been updated to give you a reasonably full picture of what I can do, but to keep the SEO Assistant happy, here's a brief blog summary:

With 20 years of experience in running and developing Community and Social Enterprise Projects in Scotland, I can help you with yours. I bring a degree of learning from success and failure alike.  I have experience in start-up, consolidation, development, funding, property lease, trading, governance, marketing and much more.  And if I can't help you specifically, I can call on the services of a range of contacts who share my passion and will help to get you to where you need to be.

A lot of the work I've been privileged to do in Scotland since 2003 has been with Churches.  I've been an employee, employer, developer and more, and have been able to use all the knowledge from the whole Community and Social Enterprise world to help the Church do what it wants to do in a right and proper way, while not losing sight of the reason why they are doing this. So, I can work with Churches to help them be more sustainable while still being true to why they are there.

There is a massive change happening in communities across Scotland and the rest of the UK: Old Church buildings are being closed. So if you're a Church who are needing to repurpose, upgrade, redevelop or just  re-vision your building. Or a Community where your church building is closed (or about to be) but you know it can still be of use to the community. Or maybe you're just fancying developing a old, perhaps iconic, church building to give it (and you) a new lease of life. Either way, I can help.

That's the main chunk of the work, but I also have a bit of a Broadcasting Ministry that is just small and in the background but could grow if I choose to go down that route. I may also finally get around to blogging more regularly although I think I say that every year!

It's all very exciting especially as I got some branded pens and a new water bottle to go with it!! I have a range of projects on going this year but there's always room for more. Drop me a message at and let's grab a chat. If you're not too far from me in Falkirk then let's go one better and grab a coffee and maybe even a cake. I look forward to hearing from you.


Edited Logo for Community Dan

You can email me at

All source content is copyright (C) 2025 to Dan Rous and reflects personal views only.

The names "CommunityDan", "House of Rous, "DanRous73" and "CalDjr" are personal trademarks.

We reserve the right to remove comments made that do not reflect the nature of this site.

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